What’s in a Name?

I love English places names. I always feel that people expect odd places names from Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, because they are ‘Celtic’ countries. England has such a rich history (what country doesn’t, to be fair) and the places names are straight out of fantasy novels. There’s an essay here, somewhere.

Today I discovered: Westhaven and Blindcrake. Blindcrake is so evocative, a grey windswept steep-cliffed small harbour town perhaps. A little fishing village is another idea. Westhaven is a bustling place though, definitely. Summery, even.

Cornish names are possibly my favourite, if not Cornwall, then Westcountry (Dorset, Devon, Somerset, Cornwall) names in general. Head down the A361 and you are in for a treat.

Just trying to think of essays on fantasy naming and I can only drum up Ursula Le Guin and Lin Carter. Got any others for me? Let me know!